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Smiling girl in front of bright street art. Tyler Nix/Unsplash


The right people, knowledge, and options for your best life



Right4me is for people who are disabled and/or neurodivergent who want to build better relationships - whether in their personal or professional life, or out in the community!


As disabled people, we have the same rights as everyone else to have fulfilling relationships (whether romantic, professional, platonic, or otherwise); to understand our bodies and feelings; and to be safe, happy, and connected. It can be difficult to get the right information, develop the right skills and find the right environments to succeed in this. That's where Right4me comes in!


Right4me offers individually tailored support to build your knowledge, skills, and confidence around self and relationships so that you can live your best life!

Image by Efe Kurnaz

Our expertise

Right4me has two main focus areas.


If it's to do with relationships, we can talk about it! Dating, understanding respectful relationships,  exploring your identity and feelings, LGBTQIA+ issues and relationships, sex, consent, public and private, puberty, contraception, you name it! Right4me's Relationship and Sexuality Education is rights-based, holistic, and LGBTQIA+ inclusive.


Right4me also offers Skills and Capacity Building for Education, Employment, or improved Quality of Life. We work in a way that supports your neurodivergent identity. Click through to find out more!

Our Services

The right people, knowledge, and options for YOUR best life

Relationship & Sexuality Education

Did you know relationship and sexuality education (RSE) for people with disability is a human right? Our RSE is rights-based, holistic, and inclusive of all orientations and identities. We tailor an education package to your needs and interests, with topics including respect and consent; understanding dating; exploring identity and feelings; protective behaviours; puberty; contraception; STIs and BBVs; sexualised behaviours of concern, and more.

Small Group Programs

Stay tuned! Sign up for emails to hear about upcoming small group programs.

Three young people sitting at an outdoor wooden table, studying. Alexis Brown/Unsplash

Capacity Building for Employment,
Education & Life

With a background in both Education and Community Development, Tess is passionate about building on your existing strengths to build your skills and capacity. We create an inclusion plan that includes 1:1 work to develop your own skills and understanding; and where invited, can advise, support and/or train your workplace, school, or other setting to build their inclusion capacity, too.

Image by WanderLabs

Passport to Inclusion

A simple but powerful tool that fits in your wallet AND opens your world. We get to know you - the whole you - and then we squish what we've learnt into your passport. Share it with employers, teachers, whoever you like - it's a shortcut to knowing your interests, sensory preferences, communication needs, strategies that support you to feel safe, and more. You do you, babe! Leave the burden of explaining for the 500th time to us.


Consultancy and Training

 Tess is an experienced, knowledgeable, creative and engaging educator, consultant and workshop facilitator. Right4me can tailor disability inclusion training to the exact needs of your staff. Need to know about disability rights? Upskilling staff with AAC (Augmentative and Alternative Communication)? Need some strengths-based behaviour support strategies? Want to codesign your program with disabled clients? Worried about how to talk about sex and relationships? Odds are, Tess has got just the info and ideas you need! Let's chat!

Strengths & Supports Profile

If you're amazing and you know it, clap your hands! Clients are supported to develop a Life Vision, set short- and long-term goals, and receive a personalised Strengths and Supports Profile that highlights just how awesome they are as a jumping off point for personal development.

Join our mailing list!

"We're going to need a bigger pipeline!" because there's more coming your way! Small group programs, professional development workshops, webinars, resources, and who knows what else! To ensure you're first to hear about it, join our mailing list today. Don't worry, we don't email often, just when we have something important to share!

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About Tess

Tess Yvanovich is an experienced educator, community development practitioner, and facilitator. Disabled and multiply neurodivergent herself, she's taught students with disabilities in Canberra, in both mainstream and specialist settings; coached teachers in Rwanda; delivered capacity building programs for Canberra's multicultural community; co-facilitated a weekly social support group for gender and sexuality diverse young people aged 12-25; and supported the national rollout of a program to include disabled students in mainstream Rwandan schools.


In 2023, Tess was appointed to the ACT Disability Reference Group (DRG), the body that advises the ACT Government and Minister for Disability on disability inclusion issues. She also sits on the government's Disability Education Reference Group as the DRG's representative.


Tess is passionate about people with disabilities having the same opportunities as anyone else, and being able to fully participate as active, valued members of our community.

Tess profile.jpg

"Right4me is the service we have been looking for but could never find...Tess put together an amazing profile of my son, she really gets him, because she really listens and respects him. He is not afraid to ask her questions regarding relationships and sexual knowledge. They go to topics and conversations where I am not needed, wanted, nor wish to be, but I know that he very much needs to go there. I am so grateful for Tess and her service and am excited to see my son's confidence grow and become the man he is now."

Jane, parent of 28 year old with intellectual disability

Get in Touch

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Ngunnawal-Ngambri Country

PO Box 4252
Ainslie ACT 2602

Right4me acknowledges the Ngunnawal and Ngambri peoples, Traditional Owners of the land on which we live, work, and love. We pay our respects to their Elders past and present, respect their deep connection to Country, and value their ongoing contribution to our community. We recognise that sovereignty was never ceded - this always was, and always will be, Aboriginal land.

© 2024 Right4me, ABN 53 361 882 375. All rights reserved.

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